WordPress Anniversary: 5 Years!

Hey, guys. I’m coming to you with a long overdue update on life, The Paxton Legacy, and what the future holds. Sorry I took so long to write this. I feel like a broken record for apologizing so much, but life got in the way and before I knew it four months had passed since my last post. More on that in a little bit though!

As you can see from the title of this update, my five year anniversary on WordPress was on Monday! I joined WordPress five years ago not only so that I could read and comment on the stories I enjoyed, but so that I could also start a story of my own. The Shores of Our Souls was my baby, and I miss it! The Paxton Legacy is my reboot of that story, and I wish I had more time for it. It is really near and dear to my heart, and I think about it a lot and how I want to write it. I already have ideas in my head for each generation up to Gen. 5, and I hope you get to read them one day. I wish I had something to post along with that like a new chapter, pictures, or anything, but hopefully I can get something out for you guys soon. I guess that leads me into what I’ve been up to for the past four months.

My personal life is chaotic right now. I started taking online classes this semester, and I was seriously overconfident in my ability to take on six classes at once. I’m making all A’s (for now), but that takes up pretty much all of my non-existent free time. The rest of my time is spent taking care of my almost two year old, and performing my stay at home mom duties. And the cherry on top, I am currently 10 weeks pregnant with baby #2. Surprise! 🙂 Lol, so if all of that wasn’t enough now I get to deal with doctors appointments, pregnancy exhaustion, nausea, and food aversions.

The Paxton Legacy has been on an unannounced hiatus for awhile now, and that will most likely continue until I’m done with this semester in early December. I am always hopeful that inspiration will strike and pull me out of this writing slump, and that I will get a little extra time to at least open my game. But if not, I’m shooting for my return to be in mid to late December, possibly after the New Year depending on how crazy the holidays get this year. Thank you to the very few people who are even taking time out of their day to read this and for being so incredibly patient with me. I’ve been trying to catch up in reader, so you should be seeing my name pop up in your notifications again shortly. ♥

Update #1

Wow, okay so it has been three months since I posted the teaser for this story and haven’t posted again since. I could bore you all with the many boring details of my life and give excuses for being busy, but I’ll spare you of having to read all of that lol. I am sorry for being absent, and I know how behind I am in reader at the moment. Just know that I am working on catching up on all of your wonderful stories while at the same time making some effort towards my own! I do not have a chapter for you today, but I have completed writing the first five chapters of Bay’s story. Once I am able to take pictures, I’ll have the first chapter posted. Until then, I did take some headshots and group photos of our main characters to share with you as an apology gift for not posting any new content!

Main Characters of The Paxton Legacy – (by order of appearance)


B A Y   P A X T O N


R Y A N   C H U R C H


K O R I E   H A Y W A R D


F L E T C H E R   G R E E N E


C A L E B   W H I T M O R E
